Sundered Peak

through the mind of kyle tolle

Method Delegation In Ruby

When creating a new Ruby class, it can be helpful to use composition over inheritance. Let’s look at an example of an Image. Our Image has a File, but we don’t want the Image to extend File. Why not? We don’t want Image to have the full interface of File; just a small subset of it. This is a perfect use case for composition and method delegation.

Here’s what our Image class looks like right now. It contains the File object we’re interested in.

class Image
  def initialize(image_path)
    @file =

Next, we would like to expose a few of the File methods on Image: #path, #read, and #close. One way to do that is by writing our own methods that pass the message along.

require 'forwardable'

class Image
  def initialize(image_path)
    @file =

  def path

  def read

  def close

This quickly gets repetitive and verbose.

Fortunately, Ruby provides an easy means of delegating methods to other objects. We’ll extend the Forwardable module, and then use def_delegator to hook up the delegation.

class Image
  extend Forwardable

  def initialize(image_path)
    @file =

  def_delegators :@file, :path, :read, :close

We’ve accomplished the same functionality in fewer lines, and made it more readable.

Unfortunately, I find Ruby’s core method delegation unintuitively named and implemented. It’s confusing to remember the Forwardable module gives us method delegation, and that the method is named def_delegators. I wrote this small post so I can refer to it later, when I need a refresher on how to do method delegation in Ruby.